One year ago, Tokiya fell in love with Kanae at first sight. For the purpose of declaring his feelings for her, he underwent hell-like training from his younger sister Meguri and studied like mad to enter her school Seimatsurika Academy. However, Tokiya was quite the introverted person and didn’t have any confidence. Meguri suggested that he use the Asasaka family’s hidden technique ‘kokkai no gi’, which can make females attracted to him and give him a period of popularity, at the expense of the possibility of marriage in the future. Tokiya did the ceremony clinging on to this last hope and immediately saw its effect on Meguri. Freshly confident, he confessed to Kanae under the sakura tree. However, she replied that they should start off as friends. Why didn’t the technique work as expected? He resigned himself to starting off as friends with her, but it seems that other cute girls are trying to seduce him! \[From \[url=<]Hau~> Omochikaeri!\[/url]]