Boku to Kanojo no Kojin Lesson

"What should I do with my future?" Kido Yusuke was at a crossroads, struggling with this question. He had worked hard in school to keep as many doors open as possible for his future. He also had a part-time job to save some money. But when it came to figuring out what he really wanted to do, he was stumped. Worse yet, he felt he had no one to talk to. Then, unexpectedly, a teacher named Tsukimori Misaki moved into his student dorm. "From today on, I'm living here," she said. "I know we're teacher and student, but let's get along." Suddenly sharing his space with an older authority figure, Yusuke asked her what bothered him: "How do you figure out what you want to do with your life?" Her advice was straightforward: "Broaden your horizons," she said. "Live your student life to the fullest. Experience new things." That sounded easier said than done. Yusuke didn't know where to start; he had always played it safe. "In that case, would you like some help?" Misaki offered. Thus began a new chapter in Yusuke's life. Living under the same roof with Misaki, each day began to slowly change him, nudging him toward a clearer understanding of his future.


Boku to Kanojo no Kojin Lesson僕と先生の個人授業我与老师的私人课程


Boku to Sensei no Kojin JugyouPrivate Lesson with My Lover TeacherBokukano僕カノ

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