The protagonist, a teacher at a small academy, is approached by a gossip-loving female student who brings up an eerie story.
“Hey, hey? Teacher, have you heard about Hanako-san of the toilet?”
“Actually, this story might not just be a rumor. I’ve heard that Hanako-san recently appeared at this academy.”
When the protagonist dismisses it as just an urban legend, the student gets upset.
After finishing the day’s work, the protagonist looks at the clock, noticing that it’s already pitch dark outside. As they quickly finish patrolling and prepare to go home, they hear a girl’s voice…
The protagonist suddenly remembers the story about Hanako-san they heard during the day.
That’s ridiculous. But maybe it’s not a ghost—perhaps there’s a suspicious person lurking around, targeting the students. That would be a real problem!
Rushing toward the source of the voice, the protagonist finds themselves standing in front of the rumored toilet. Wishing for it to be a suspicious person rather than a ghost, they reach for the doorknob, only to find it locked.
As they jingle the doorknob, trying to open it, the door suddenly swings open with force, knocking the protagonist down onto their backside.